系 所: 英语系 职 称:副教授,博士生导师 邮 箱:jiang.yan@ruc.edu.cn教育背景
1. Jiang, Y., Tian, L. *, & Lou, N.M. (2024). From growth mindset to positive outcomes in L2 learning: Examining the mediating roles of autonomous motivation and engagement, System, 127, 1-12, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2024.103519 (SSCI-Q1)
2. Jiang, Y. *, Yue, S., & Lou, N.M. (2024). Exploring the motivational mechanisms of growth beliefs on perseverance among EFL students: The role of ideal and ought-to L2 selves. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijal.12572(SSCI- Q2)
3. Tian, L. & Jiang, Y.* (2021). L2 proficiency pairing, task type, and L1 use: A mixed-methods study on optimal pairing in dyadic task-based peer interaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:699774. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.699774 (SSCI-Q1)
4. 姜艳. 影响中国大学生外语愉悦的教师因素研究[J].外语界, 2020年第1期,60-68.(CSSCI)
5. Jiang, Y. * & Dewaele, J.-M. (2020). The predictive power of sociobiographical and linguistic variables on foreign language anxiety of Chinese university students. System, 89, 1-12, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2020.102207 (SSCI-Q1)
6. Jiang, Y.* & Dewaele, J.-M. (2019). How unique is the foreign language classroom enjoyment and anxiety of Chinese EFL learners? System, 82,13-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2019.02.017 (SSCI-Q1)【ESI Highly Cited Paper; ESI Hot Paper】
7. Jiang, Y.* & Dewaele, J.-M. (2019). Language anxiety in Chinese dialects and Putonghua among college students in mainland China: the effects of sociobiographical and linguistic variables. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 40(4), 289-303. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2018.1515213 (SSCI-Q1)
8. Jiang, Y. & Zhu, H. (2012). Communicating in a lingua franca: children’s interaction in an international summer camp. Sociolinguistic Studies, 4.3, 535–552. (ESCI)
9. Zhu, H., Jiang, Y.*, & Waston, J. (2011) Children’s perceptions of the impact of participation in an intercultural educational programme. Language and Intercultural Communication, 2,142-160. (SSCI-Q1)
10. Jiang, Y., & Dewaele, J.-M. (2024). Self-reported frequency of swearing in Chinese dialects, Putonghua, and English in the speech of multilingual Chinese university students. In R. Geluykens & I.Flöck (Eds.), Analyzing Pragmatic Variation in English New Developments in Contrastive, Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Pragmatics (pp. 177-199). München: LINCOM.
11. Zhu, H. & Jiang, Y. (2012). Language proficiency and participation in multi-party interactions and activities. In C. Baraldi (ed.) Participation, Facilitation, and Mediation: Perspectives on Children and Young People in Their Social Contexts(pp.105-127). London: Routledge.
2. 2018年中国人民大学科学研究基金年度项目面上一般项目:大学生外语课堂愉悦感与焦虑感及其影响机制研究【已结项】
3. 2018年中国人民大学外国语学院“双一流建设”人文社科国际期刊发文培育项目:中国大学生外语使用焦虑研究【已结项】
1. 中国人民大学优秀科研成果奖(2019)
2. 中国大学生英语辩论赛(CUDC)全国总决赛优秀指导教师奖(2022/2023)
3. “外教社杯”北京高校学生跨文化能力大赛优秀指导教师奖(2019/2021)
4. 英国教育部ORS奖学金 (2005-2008)
5. 英国女性研究生联盟学术奖(BFWG Academic Award)(2008-2009)
Applied Linguistics, The Modern Language Journal, Language Teaching Research, System, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL), Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, RELC, International Journal of Multilingualism, The Asia-Pacific Educational Researcher, European Journal of Education等SSCI期刊审稿人