系 所: 大学英语教学部 职 称:教授,博士生导师 邮 箱:lili.tian@ruc.edu.cn教育背景
1. Tian Lili and Jiang Yan. (2021). L2 proficiency pairing, task type and L1 use: A mixed-methods study on optimal pairing in dyadic task-based peer interaction. Frontiers in Psychology. Online.
2. Ernesto Macaro and Tian Lili. (2020). Developing EMI teachers through a collaborative research model. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Online.
3. Tian Lili and Zhou Yu. (2020). Learner engagement with automated feedback, peer feedback and teacher feedback in an online EFL writing context. System,91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2020.102247.
4. Ernesto Macaro, Tian Lili and Chu Lingmin. (2019). First and second language use in English medium instruction contexts. Language Teaching Research, 24(3),382-402. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362168818783231.
5. Tian Lili and Li Li. (2018). Chinese EFL learners’ perception of peer oral and written feedback as providers, receivers and observers. Language Awareness, 27, 4, 312-330.
6. Tian Lili and Mairin Hennebry. (2016). Chinese learners’ perceptions towards teachers’ language use in lexical explanations: a comparison between Chinese-only and English-only instructions. System, 63, 77-88.
7. Ernesto Macaro and Tian Lili. (2015). Exploring teachers’ explanations of new English lexical items in a Chinese university: Comparisons with dictionary information. System, 52, 78-90.
8. Hu Bo and Tian Lili. (2015). Word Concreteness and Word Translatability: Relations and Implications for Second Language Acquisition. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 38, 4, 435-450.
9. Tian Lili. (2014). Codeswitching in a Chinese University. In R. Barnard & J. McLellan. (eds.) Codeswitching in University English Language Classes: case studies and perspectives from East Asian contexts. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
10. Tian Lili and Ernesto Macaro. (2012). Comparing the effect of teacher codeswitching with English-only explanations on the vocabulary acquisition of Chinese university students: a lexical focus-on-form study. Language Teaching Research, 16, 3, 367-391.
11. Hu Bo and Tian Lili. (2012). Do teachers and students share similar beliefs about teaching and learning strategies? System, 40, 2, 237-254.
12. Tian Lili. (2012). 从Jiang Nan 词汇表征处理模型看母语与二语词汇学习. 《解放军外国语学院学报》, 4, 66-70.
13. Tian Lili (2011). 形式教学对二语接受型词汇成绩的影响. 《外语与外语教学》, 2, 52-56.
1. 田丽丽、陈丽丽、姜艳、Chris J. Cookson. (2019). 《大学英语写作》(第二册),中国人民大学出版社。
2. 贾国栋、王晓彤、田丽丽、刘力、杨彩霞、陈丽丽. (2016).《中国人民大学英语写作能力标准》,中国人民大学出版社。
3. Tian Lili. (2011). Teacher Codeswitching in a Communicative EFL Context: Measuring the effects on vocabulary learning. Saarbrucken: Verlag Dr. Muller.
中国人民大学明德青年学者项目 (2013)