
日期: 2021-11-30





马克思主义学院中共党史专业新生黄慧琳同学认为参加以此为主题的汉译英大赛是“向我们党致以美好祝愿”的方式,“坚定我们人大学子誓为‘国表社栋’的决心”。 外国语学院国新班大二学生葛容辰同学表示:“值此建党百年之际,能够以这样独特的方式致敬我们的党与学校,很光荣,很受触动,也体会到了‘国表社栋’们肩上的使命。”

在翻译过程中,参赛同学不仅加深了对中国共产党创办高等教育的了解,也增强了对母校的认同感。一等奖获得者商学院工商管理专业大二学生周殷絮同学在获奖感言中写道:“在翻译文本的过程中,我为了更好地理解文本的意思,也查阅了相关的资料,在这个过程中,我对于学校的了解、认同感也加深了,也增加了我对党的热爱和报效祖国的决心。” 国际关系学院外交学专业大三学生赵纪希认为:“由于要对文本背后的历史文化背景有更加深入的了解,我对校史有了进一步的认识,感受到了中国人民大学所承载着的理论联系实际的办学理念、为民情怀和以人为本的精神。”

参赛同学在对母校认同感加强的同时也增强了青年一代的使命感。外国语学院英语专业大三学生林泓帆写道:“在搜索资料、了解背景的过程中,我也对人大的历史和光辉历程有了更深刻的认识,感受到了一种独属于人大人的光荣感和使命感。” 商学院工商管理专业吕欣儒认为:“对校史、相关的专有名词有了更多的了解,增强了在这方面的积累,也体会到中国人民大学从陕北公学一路走来有多么的不容易,前辈们通过艰苦奋斗建设和发展了中国人民大学,我们作为新时代青年,有责任继承前辈的精神,不忘初心,砥砺前行,为成为“国民表率,社会栋梁”而不懈努力!”


社会与人口学院社会学专业大三学生杨诗栋认为:“这次翻译加深了我对共和国历史、人大历史的了解。翻译很难,翻译出忠于原文本的精神气质且充满生命气息的语言更是不易。深刻地意识到翻译不仅仅是语言的转换,其背后文化意涵的对话与交融不可或缺。…… 也更加领会到“立言”之不易。当下学术、文艺、公共传播等各领域都亟待更接地气的话语力量,未来传播中国声音、讲好中国故事的使命离不开这一代人的继续跋涉。”

在谈到参加此次“纪念建党百年”翻译大赛的收获时,财金学院金融专业大一新生林浩同学表示: “通过参加本次“纪念建党百年”翻译比赛,我增强了对中国共产党兴办高等教育的认识,同时也认识到英语作为讲好中国故事的语言媒介,需要我们充分准确地运用,这样能让中国故事讲得生动传神,讲得深入人心,进而增强我们的民族自豪感和中国的国际影响力。”





1.经济学院 刘诗懿 译文

Northern Shaanxi Public Schoolis the great pioneering work of the Communist Party of China to save the nation from subjugation and seek for survival. It is a heroic epic of Chinese revolutionaries who are not afraid to shed their heads and blood for the revolutionary cause. It is also the spiritual inheritance of Chinese educators who turn themselves into candles and continue national culture. Chairman Mao Zedong once spoke highly of Northern Shaanxi Public School: "China would never perish thanks to Northern Shaanxi Public School". From the school spirit saying "loyalty, unity, tension and vitality" to the principle of "out of ten, seven for politics and three for military", from the study spirit of reading under the kerosene lamp to the life of reclaiming wasteland, digging caves and eating millet porridge, the school philosophy of combining theory with practice and work style that is hard-working and plain are all manifest.

Renmin University of China, conceived from the cradle of higher education in People’s Republic of China, has inherited and carried forward this eminent educational tradition. A new era began, so did an arduous journey. As the first new type of formal university founded by the People's Republic of China, RUC has always shared a united destiny with the Party and the country. The three "people" in the school emblemsymbolize "people", "humanism" and "humanities", namely "people's university", "people-oriented spirit" and "features mainly on humanities and social sciences". Over the past 80 years, RUC has always demonstrated its full vigor and vitality and has trained nearly 300,000 high-level builders and preeminent leaders in various fields for the country.

President Xi Jinping, in his congratulatory letter on the 80th anniversary of the founding of RUC, pointed out that "we should focus on solving the fundamental problems that for whom, of what kinds, and how students should be cultivated, and stick to moral establishment", signaling the direction for the development of RUC and even all higher education in China. Today, a century after the founding of our Party, standing at a new historical starting point, China's higher educators, who do be faithful to their original aspiration and continue marching forward, who take cultivating social pillars and national models with family-country feelings as their mission and the development of China's higher education as their own responsibilities, spare no efforts to foster patriotism and ambition to serve the country of young students and are forging forward in the very great new era.




译文的不足之处在于个别语言表达不够地道,如“家国情怀”直译为“family-country feelings”显得牵强;“从……校风”译为“From the school spirit saying…”表达也不契合英文原文的语言习惯。如果译者在语言的精准方面再下功夫,整体加强译文的表达力,则不失为一篇既忠实又通顺的好译文。



2.国际关系学院 张文川 译文

When China was facing the combined adverse and severe impacts of domestic imbalance and foreign oppression in the 1930s, ShanbeiGongxue was born, acting as one of the remarkable works made by the Communist Party of China to save the nation. And this school has made indelible contributions to the development of China, with which Chinese pioneers sacrificed themselves to fighting for revolution, and Chinese educators committed themselves to preserving national spirits. Considering these, the school has become a symbol of heroic epic and a form of spiritual heritage in everyone’s heart.

More concretely, they, the faculty and students of ShanbeiGongxue, adapted the spirit of “loyalty, unity, seriousness, lively” and conformed to the principle of “military serving politics”. Without electricity, they read books with kerosene lamps until midnight; without money, they dug caves to live and made millet porridge to survive. All of the touching deeds embodied their exceptional philosophy of combining theory with reality as well as the strong endurance of hardship and plain. Accordingly, the school was also honored as “the cradle for New China’s advanced education”, and even Chairman Mao sang high praise for the school genuinely, “China won’t fall as long as ShanbeiGongxue still stands tall”.

After a period of evolution, ShanbeiGongxue turned into Renmin University of China (RUC), which marked a significant step for Chinese advanced education. As the first new formal university founded in New China, RUC not only inherited and gave play to the educational tradition of ShanbeiGongxue, but it has kept the pace with the Party and the country all the time. And the school emblem is another shining and meaningful point of RUC. The three-person image, respectively stands for: “people”, a standpoint showing the commitment to people-centered philosophy; “humanism”, a spirit that lays much emphasis on human rights; and “humanities”, a feature meaning that the school is famous for humanities and social sciences. Statistically, RUC has cultivated nearly 300,000 outstanding talents for all walks of life and excellent contributors for the country. In the course of more than 80 years, RUC always shows a dynamic image, pumping vigor to the whole society.

RUC has seen a stream of development for 80 years since its foundation. On this special note, President Xi extended sincere congratulation to highlight the importance of moral education and the essential problem of “educating for whom, of what kind and by which means”. These words have led a bright path for the future of RUC and the whole Chinese advanced education.

Today, a hundred years on from its founding, the CPC is on the journey ahead. At this historic point, Chinese educators still stay true to the original aspiration. They endeavor to educate great people with care and a sense of responsibility for the country. They are devoted to stimulating Chinese advanced education. They are committed to arousing young generations’ awareness to be patriotic and grateful for the motherland. With those pioneers and craftsmen of the nation, China is surely forging ahead to a prosperous new era.



译文与原文各行其道的另一个方面就是不在形式上亦步亦趋,机械照搬,而是把原文真正的意思翻译出来,舍弃形式,保留意义。该译文对“陕北公学”的翻译就是一例。绝大多数译文都把“公学”译为“public school”,而“public school”在英文中则指“elementary school”,“secondary school”,或“private boarding school“,将“公学”译为“public school”就等于降低或扭曲了陕北公学本来的形象,如同人民大学不能译为“People’s University”,“陕北公学”也不能简单地照字面译为“public school”。译文使用拼音Gongxue,另辟蹊径,若能加注说明就更好了。再如“七分政治,三分军事”,绝大多数译文的处理都与原文字字对译,让人不知所云,该译文却“得意而忘形”,将原文的真正含义挖掘出来,译为“military serving politics”,让人眼前一亮。

当然,该译文也有一些不足之处,例如有的地方过度解读,如“从煤油灯下读书的学风到开荒挖窑洞、小米粥果腹的生活“,译文处理成“Without electricity, they read books with kerosene lamps until midnight; without money, they dug caves to live and made millet porridge to survive.” 其中“until midnight”和“without money”,都是过度解读,有画蛇添足之嫌。






3.商学院 周殷絮 译文

Shanbei Public School is an unprecedented and grand measure of the Communist Party of China to save the country from perdition and seek its survival. It is a heroic epic of Chinese revolutionaries who had no fear of injuries or death for the sake of revolutionary cause. It is also a spiritual transmission and inheritance of Chinese educators who turn themselves into candlelight to enable the continuation of ethnic culture. Chairman Mao Zedong once spoke highly of the Shanbei Public School: "China will never be destroyed, because of the Shanbei Public School.” From the school spirit of "Loyalty, Unity, Intensity and Liveliness" to the principle of "Seventy percent relies on politics and thirty percent relies on military", from the academic atmosphere of reading under the kerosene lamps to the life of reclaiming wasteland, digging cave dwellings and filling the stomach with millet porridge, the university-running idea of linking theory with practice and the working style of plain living and hard work are distinctively manifested.

Born from the "cradle of higher education in New China", Renmin University of China has inherited and developed this excellent educational tradition. It has opened up a whole new world and never boasted the long strong pass. As the first new type of formal university founded by New China, it has always managed to share the same breath and fate with the Communist Party of China and the country. The three "persons" in the school emblem represent "People", "People-oriented" and "Humanity". “People” means that the university is the "People's university" and "People-oriented" implies that it has the "people-oriented spirit". While "Humanity” indicates its feature that the university “focuses predominantly on humanities and social sciences ". During its running process which is over 80 years, Renmin University of China has always shown its vigorous and exuberant vitality with high fighting spirit. It has cultivated nearly 300,000 exceptional builders with high level and outstanding talent leaders of all walks of life for the country.

On the 80th anniversary of its foundation, President Xi Jinping proposed in his congratulatory letter that Renmin University of China should "persevere in cultivating virtuous people by concentrating on resolving the fundamental issue that who will the talents be fostered for, what kind of talents are going to be prepared, and what measures ought to be taken to educate them". His proposal has explicitly pointed out the direction for the development of Renmin University of China and Chinese higher education. Today, 100 years after the establishment of the Communist Party of China, Chinese educators of higher education are standing at the new historical starting point, keeping their original aspiration firmly in mind and forging ahead courageously despite the setbacks. They take the mission of nurturing the pillars of the society and models of the nationals who have feelings to family and country. They also consider it their own responsibility to accelerate the development of Chinese higher education. Sparing no efforts to cultivate the young students’ patriotic hearts and ambitions of devoting themselves to serve the country, Chinese educators are advancing unswervingly and intrepidly to the great new era.


周殷絮同学的译文在“信”和“达”之间达到了很好的平衡,一方面通过“翻译”(translating)尽力呈现了原文内容,另一方面做到了适度“释义”(paraphrasing)从而使译文通达流畅。在“翻译”和“释义”这对概念中,“翻译”通常不轻易放弃文字上的对应,因此较多沿用原文中的表达方式,而释义(paraphrasing) 更加关注译文的可读性,所以仅求语义的贴近,不希望让太过精确的语言表达影响了译文的流畅。在翻译实践中,“翻译”和“释义”之间并没有明确的界限,从一方到另一方不是突变,而是渐进。本次翻译比赛所选用的文本中既有偏重信息性的陕北公学历史介绍,又有颇具情怀的对中国高等教育事业的展望,译者在翻译中较为出色地把握了二者之间的界限,灵活运用了多种修辞方法和句式结构,提升了译文的整体效果。例如在翻译“从煤油灯下读书的学风到开荒挖窑洞、小米粥果腹的生活”时,译者将原文中的并列结构拓展为译文中的排比结构 “from the academic atmosphere of reading under the kerosene lamps to the life of reclaiming wasteland, digging cave dwellings and filling the stomach with millet porridge”,既忠实传递了原文内容,又进一步增强了语言的表现力。

译文的不足之处在于个别词语的翻译不够准确,如在翻译“高水平的优秀建设者”时,“exceptional builders with high level”不太符合英文的表达习惯。另外,个别词语的翻译可以更加简洁,如对校徽中“人本”一词的翻译,可以将“People-oriented”翻译为“Humanism”,这样既避免了与下文中的“people-oriented spirit”构成重复,而且和“人民”“人文”的译文行成排比,阅读感受更好。





